Happy Hump Day Hustle, everybody. Hope y’all’s Wednesday is going great. Dropping in a little late today, but that’s okay. Here we go. No intro music because I’m dealing with some – little bit of flak regarding that. I need to call Dee Snyder and get some personal permission from him it looks like to use that song. It’s my song. It so applies because we’re not going to take it. We’re going to push through the obstacles and the nonsense that holds us back and is trying to keep us from excelling and getting done what we’re trying to get done in our businesses, right, regardless.
Anyway, this is Danny with Danny and Leta. Hope everybody’s doing great. Again, happy Hump Day Hustle. Very excited about today’s hustle. What I want to touch on is we finally – we’ve been working on a project for a few months, a awesome, awesome project that’s going to help y’all seriously with – and make prospecting a lot more fun, a lot more fun. I think I want to put a challenge out there, everybody. It’s going to take a little while for everybody to view this over time and what not and get the message, but what I have in mind is I want to guide everybody and push them through to use what we put out there.
If you look at our – we’ve got a new profile billboard there. We put together a killer lead attraction e-book that we want everybody to have, and there’s some killer – there’s some killer tactics in there, guys, that you will not regret learning, so jump in there and get that free e-book that we’ve got out there. I promise you this is the start of something big. We’re very happy for those of you guys that aren’t really familiar with the proper way of prospecting and relationship building and all that stuff. You’re going to learn some killer stuff.
We’ve been in the trenches for a little while too. We still are, and this is just part of our journey, okay? We just want y’all to hop on board, hang out with us during our journey, and let’s grow together, okay? You’re going to love it. The gist of it is – all we want you to do just log in, and just click on the – a photo that we’ve got there in the profile, and it’ll direct you from there on what to do. Get your hands [03:03] instant message us or send us a message either way, and just let us know what you thought of the e-book and if you think you can use some of those tactics. I know that stuff is proven, guys. That stuff is proven. You’re going to have such an ah-ha moment.
That’s the challenge. Go through there and just read the book and let us know what you think. That’s it. It’s all about value. We push – preach value. We give of ourselves – again, Zig Ziglar says if we give another people enough of what they want, we will always get what we want in return. That’s what it’s all about guys is just giving away value. Again, we learn, we practice, and then we teach.
We’re not trying to become gurus. We’re not trying to be the next Tony Robbins or whatever, okay? That guy is in a league of his own, buddy. Let me tell you. We just want to – we just want to [04:15] are attracted to us that like what we’re doing, and so those are the ones that we’re ultimately going to create the best relationships with and have the most fun with and growing together. That’s what you’re going to realize for your tribes going forward. You’re going to learn how easy it is to do that.
Anyway, I’m going to leave it there. We’re very excited about this. There’s a whole ‘nother – there’s so much awesomeness even beyond this, but for now, click the link on our Facebook page here, get that free e-book, prospecting e-book that we put out there for you guys, go through that, check it out, let us know what you think about it, and let’s hit the moon soon, guys. Let’s kick 2021 in the rear. Let’s create more relationships and serve more of others and let’s make the best – let’s make the absolute best of this year.
Alright, I think that’s about all I’ve got. Look forward to hearing from you guys soon Again, hit the link here on our – you know what? I don’t know. I’ll make sure that it’s included in this post as well with this video, but also just drop in on our Facebook page. The link is all over that thing. Click on the image there on our billboard picture, and it’ll direct you from there, okay?
Signing off. Enjoy the rest of your week. Reach out and love someone. Can’t wait to talk to you guys again soon. Take care. Bye-bye.