Danny: Alright, alright, what are we not going to do? We are not going to take it. For any of y’all that don’t know what that means, I came up with that silly mantra a few months ago courtesy of Twisted Sister, a band I grew up with. We’re Not Going to Take It. I had an epiphany one day just thinking about how I am and how I’m wired and different things, my ADD tendencies and all that stuff and realizing there’s a lot of people out there that deal with that as well. That’s the thing; we’re not going to take it anymore. We’re going to push through all that. We’re going to succeed in our businesses. We’re going to help each other. We’re going to teach each other
That’s what Leta and I do; we learn, we practice, and then we teach it. We’re no gurus; we’re no experts; we’re no nothing. We know what we learn about and practice and we know what works through – mostly through other people that we see and keep up with and all that stuff and that we know.
For those of y’all that don’t know, this is Danny with dannyandleta.com. Hey there, Happy Hump Day Hustle, the last Hump Day Hustle of 2020. Yes, those of you that are paying attention know that that’s a silly deal and you’ll know why. We’re calling it today Hump Day Hustle but it’s really not. It was yesterday, but anyway, I was on the road traveling. Anyway, no excuses.
For the last Hump Day Hustle of 2020, something we just wanted to touch on. Oop, I almost forgot. Those of you who are familiar, let me start the timer so I don’t rattle on forever. Sometimes I go over; forgive me in advance. I made today and I think Leta might pop in for a second, too, just because it’s the last one of the year. I’m wearing my hustle cap; that’s H for hustle, Hump Day Hustle. Landon played on a ball team, tournament ball team, years ago called the Texas Hustle. Anyway, I thought it was fitting.
Anyway, so I been thinking a lot lately. I had some ideas on what to touch on for this final one of the year and share and look back on our 2020 and hopefully not go too deep, but if we do, forgive us in advance. That’s just how we are. We don’t care; we’re going to say it like it is and so that’s it according to how we live it.
Some of us had a more crazy 2020 than others, obviously. This year, it was pretty hectic. It was crazy. I’m going to say in advance, man, God had His hand on us this year. It was – whew, yeah, it was wild. It was wild. We went through a lot. We learned a lot. We think 2021’s going to be awesome, killer, because of what we went through and learned for 2020. We’re grateful in advance for that. I mean, we had employment issues. I’m not going to lie. We had some scares. We were afraid our credit was going to go to crap. We were possibly going to get thrown out of our house maybe if it went on too long. Who knows at the time, right? All we know is the place – the country’s shut down.
Oh, there’s Leta. We press on. Have a seat, dear. That’s my Leta. Y’all don’t see much of her on the Hump Day Hustles.
Leta: Hey.
Danny: We pressed on. We prayed hard. We made some decisions, and the government actually made some stuff available to us for small businesses that helped out as well, so we had that available to us. To that, if any of you guys – if this stuff is still having a negative effect on y’all, that new stimulus thing is getting pushed through now, too, and we know. We’ve got experience as a small business on how to utilize what was made available to us. If you have any questions, please reach out, instant message us, let us share what we know. Man, we went to school this year. I’m telling you what, man. Like I say, it got hairy. Even just feel free to share your experience because when we do that, when we share our experiences and when we take action, we learn. That’s just how it goes. That’s how it’s gone for us. When you sit still, you don’t get anywhere.
Even if we do it wrong – ask Leta. Man, it’s okay to do it wrong, right?
Leta: Mm-hmm.
Danny: It’s okay to do it wrong, just do it. Get out there and do it. That’s what we did this year. We did a lot of wrong. We did a lot of right. Again, we’re not gazillionaires yet, probably never will be. We’re not looking at that. I think we’re successful. Leta, she’s gone crazy this year. You can look her up. She’s on TikTok. I mean, she’s going nuts online and having fun. She drags me in, makes me look silly. We have fun. We don’t care.
Like I said in one of my last – you might’ve seen it; I don’t know, one of my last couple of hustles or whatever, we don’t care. We’re us. We’re going on. We may not be your flavor. We may not be their flavor of –
Yeah, we might not be. We’re not going to be everybody’s cup of tea, and we get that, believe me. We’re going to be some people’s cup of tea, and those are the ones that we want to hang out with if we’re able to and rub off on them based on what we learned and each other. It’s all about teamwork. I don’t know if I’m digressing. I just wanted to go over 2020, share a little bit about what we’ve gone through.
I’m going to reset this and you guys that are – yeah, let’s restart it – and say a little bit about what’s gone on and then say a little bit about what we got planned for next year, right, babe? We’ve been working on some serious stuff, and I’ve touched on before, too, please stay tuned. We’re going to make it more in your – more obvious what’s going on and more alerts and all that as we get closer. Definitely in January, we’ve got something killer that’s exactly what all of us want, and I’ll have new lead generation online, social media, and try to teach you how to do it without being spammy and all that stuff. I know you’re going to love it, can’t wait to get it launched, and so 2021 is going to be awesome. It’s going to be awesome, and we hope we’re there to help each other and help you guys along the way.
Danny: Babe, what do – you got something to contribute?
Leta: Actually, I have notes so I can stay on point, so I don’t waste anyone’s time.
Danny: She’s the smart one.
Leta: I know you’re going to click very quickly and just move on and possibly not come back and even watch this. From my experience, that’s just how it goes because that’s how I am. I just wanted to thank y’all for joining us on our adventures and also look forward to the new year with you guys. Like he said, we have a lot of new things planned, very exciting things for the new year. It’ll just roll out as it rolls out. We’ve had a lot of hits and misses this year, and we’ve learned a lot of it. I heard him talk about it earlier, so we’re not going to go there, but I wanted to give you four things – I’m a list person, because I’m OCD.
I want to give you four things you can remove today to make room for the life you want to create in 2021. These are four very simple things, guys. It’s not asking you to go out of your comfort zone too much or anything. You better take notes, yeah, because you weren’t expecting this from me, so there you go. First thing is –
Danny: Put that on the copy machine.
Leta: First thing is toxic people. We all have them in our life. I’m asking that you remove the toxic people from your life. You can go through your Facebook page and you can go through your emails. You can go through your text messages, and I guarantee you there’s a few people in there that are toxic. When toxic people – they give – everybody gives you an emotion. When you see their name or hear their name brought up, you either get all the feels and wonderful fuzziness or you get oh, good Lord, what am I going to do with this person? Cut them out, and it’s what you need to do to create – and when you cut that person out, you create more space for somebody that needs to be in your circle and needs to be your cheerleader and needs to be – you want to surround yourself with the right people.
Now if they’re family members, sometimes you got to be careful with kind of just make a boundary and not step over and create a lot of caca. Number one, cut out – I’m asking you to cut out one toxic person, at least today, to create for your – what you want in 2021.
Secondly, make a move on your debt. There’s nothing worse than being focused on your payments, focused on your payments. When you’re focused on your payments, you’re not focused on your purpose. When you’re constantly thinking about those upcoming payments, make something – make a move. Make a extra payment. Make a – do what you need to do to get yourself out of that debt for 2021 because it’s so important and it’s so incredibly frank. Number one, cut someone out, toxic people. Two, focus on your debt.
Three, your physical clutter around you – I don’t know about you but I like my space clean and just – I can’t get started with projects until my stuff is clean. That just comes with being OCD. Take a moment today or even if you want, tomorrow, but I suggest maybe today, create a personal space for yourself so you can get to the work that you want to do in 2021 and be successful. Bins for your stuff, dusting stuff off, throwing crap out that just doesn’t belong. That’s what you need to do. It could be as simple as emptying out your email inbox. Do you have more than you need? Delete, delete, delete.
The fourth one is a perpetuity of commitments. A lot of us have too many commitment. We don’t know how to say no. We just keep doing, and perpetuity is a continual stream of things. When you’re constantly saying yes, it takes away from your goals and your purposes. It’s okay if someone asks you something and you just say you know what? I totally support what you have but you know what? No, I can’t. It’s not that you’re not. It’s just that’s just how it is. Start saying no. Learn how to say no. It’s okay because you need to focus on yourself, and focusing on yourself is not necessarily being selfish. You need to focus on yourself so you can be a better business-builder, a better mom, a better dad, a better leader in any way.
The four things to remove from your life to create the 2020 – 2021 – God, no more 2020s anymore. Remove toxic people. Make a move on your debt. Remove physical clutter, and perpetuity of commitments, or stop saying yes all the time and start saying no. That’s it.
Danny: I like it. Can I add to that?
Leta: Sure.
Danny:Just a smidge. Bad people or maybe bad habits – how about that? We either have bad people – I say bad people. You know what we mean. It’s somebody that’s distracting you or pissing in your Cheerios, I like to say.
Leta: Negative Nancy.
Danny: Negative Nancys, keep loving them, but eert, go the opposite direction if you’re not able to break through inadvertently We don’t try to force stuff down people’s throats, but also habits. If we got habits that are getting in the way – I’m bad about that because of the way I’m wired with my ADD tendencies. I’ve got to really focus. Guys, thanks for – that’s awesome stuff. That’s about all we got, but let’s focus on 2021. Let’s build our businesses intentionally. It’s not going to happen on its own. It takes hard work because it’s a business. Eric Worry says treat it like a business because if we’re looking to make money from this thing, we got to – as with any business – I’ve been in construction my whole life. If I went to a job to sell windows, I’m just going to sell windows. If they want to buy the windows or not, fine, or if they want to remodel, fine, whatever it is at the time.
We have to put effort. It costs a little money and it costs a little effort, but we have to do it. It’s not going to happen on its own. That’s why we’re here, right, babe? We spend a lot of time and energy to learn, to help our business and learn how to be productive for our peers. What we’re finding is as we help others, we not only learn from that but we’re actually helping spread the knowledge and the love and grow together.
Anyway, that’s all I got. Happy 2021. Say cheers to ’20. Try to look at it with a good attitude even if it bit hard. That’s what we do. Attitude is huge. Please try to keep a great, positive attitude, even when you’re being drug through the mud. You will be – not to preach but man, it just does a world of difference for your outcome.
Babe, sign off. Say ta-ta for now.
Leta: Bye, guys. Happy New Year. Remember in 2021, attitude of gratitude. Try and pick out a word that you want for your new year that is going to catapult you to the successes that you’ve wanted.
Danny: Yeah, that’s what she does. Have you picked one for us yet?
Leta: Not yet. I’ve got about five in mind.
Danny: We’ll let y’all know on the next Hump Day Hustle. Take care, guys. Reach out and love someone. Be safe and we’ll see you next week. Take care. Bye-bye.
Leta: Bye.